A simple questionnaire with five questions will help you identify a camellia. And if you can't find it, you can use the advanced search function will let you find camellias according to criteria you will choose (specie, color, size, habit, ...).
We also have pages dedicated to visits and camellia news.
We have received numerous requests, but we want to make clear that we don't grow camellias and have nothing to sell or exchange.
Future events around the camellia
As Camelias da Casa, visit to a private camellia garden.
On February 9, 2025, a private Camellia garden opens to the public for guided tours in the Pontevedra region of Galicia.
LinkAs Camelias da Casa, visit to a private camellia garden.
On February 16, 2025, a private Camellia garden opens to the public for guided tours in the Pontevedra region of Galicia.
LinkSociedad Española de la Camelia (Spain)
On February 22 and 23, 2025, LXth Concurso-exposición Internacional de la Camelia in Pontevedra.
LinkSociedad Española de la Camelia (Spain)
On February 23, 2025, the XXIXth Xornadas Arredor da Camelia de 2025 de Vedra (A Coruña).
LinkPépinières Joel Lemaitre
Camellia Show at the Nursery from February 28 to March 2, 2025, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Free admission.
LinkLandschloss Zuschendorf (Germany)
Camellia exhibition from March 1 to April 13, 2025. Optimum flowering at the end of March. Greenhouse exhibition of 220 varieties of camellias, including historical varieties from the 19th century.
LinkIl Bosco de Camelie tra le Magnolie di Vito & Gemma
Fiesta di Primavera, and cut flower exhibition in Bosco de Vito & Gemma.
LinkMostra Antiche Camelie della Lucchesia
On March 8-9, 15-16, 22-23 and 29-30, 2025, in Pieve di Compito, XXXVIth Mostra of spring Camellia. During the three weekends, in addition to the events, the Camelieto is open to the public from 10 am to 6 pm.
LinkFrankfurt (Germany): Palmengarten
Every year, the Palmengarten exhibits the camellia collection of Duke Adolf de Nassau, which forms the basis of his collection. This year's exhibition runs from 21 March to 14 April, 2025 and features camellias and azaleas.
LinkMostra della Camelie Verbania, Villa Giulia (Italy)
Mostra of spring-flowering camellias, from March 29 to 30, 2025.
LinkArboretum Het Leen (Eeklo, Belgium)
March 30th 2025, Lecture on the theme of camellia and walk through the Domaine's collection.
LinkYou may like...
February 2, 2025 : The 2 800th camellias in thenomenclature and two new public gardens
January 14, 2025 : Nuccio's Nursery hit by flames
Today, at the beginning of 2025, the nursery has been partially destroyed by the terrible fires that ravaged the Los Angeles and Altadena region, where the nursery is located. With these few words, we would simply like to offer our support to the Nuccio family and enable you to rediscover this very special place by visiting our page.
December 24, 2024 : Passing of Florence Crowder
Photo taken in 2018, at the Eiffel Tower, during of her last visit to Paris.
December 17, 2024 : 32 new camellias
November 21, 2024 : Discover Australia and New Zealand
September 3, 2024 : Discover Galicia
May 17, 2024 : 19 years and 2,700 camellias in the nomenclature !
We are adding two more visits, the Villa Durazzo Pallavicini in Genoa which has the oldest collection of camellias in Italy and a private garden near Locarno (Switzerland).
December 17, 2023 : New visits and 31 new camellias
September 3, 2023 : New publication
We publish today 28 new camellias in the nomenclature.
June 23, 2023 : Passing of Shigeo Matsumoto
Photo taken on March 16, 2015 during our visit to Suitengû Shrine in Kurume as he translated a camellia name into Latin characters.
May 17, 2023 : 18 years and 2,600 camellias in the nomenclature !
December 31, 2022 : New publication
To close out this year, we have revamped the Camellia News page so that it shows upcoming events first. We'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a great 2023.
November 1, 2022 : Florentine Mosaic
September 3, 2022 : New publication
We publish today 21 new camellias in the nomenclature.
August 17, 2022 : Passing of Vito Menchini
June 18, 2022 : A new private garden in Meina (NW) on the edge of Lake Major
We have also modified the home page which now offers to discover, randomly, a camellia, a public garden or a private garden among those presented on the site. Each time you refresh the page, the three options change, allowing you to make new discoveries.
May 17, 2022 : A new visit, the Villa Melzi d'Eril
For the 17th anniversary of the site, we also publish 17 new camellias as well as new Kutani porcelains in the collectors' corner.
January 2, 2022 : New extraordinary objets in the collector's corner
November 21, 2021 : New publication
We publish today 21 new camellias in the nomenclature.
May 17, 2020 :, already 15 years and 2 500 camellias in the nomenclature !
We are also adding two more visits, the first is a private garden in Frankfurt and the second is the Villa Fedora, in Baveno, Italy. We have also updated the page of the Jardin des plantes de Nantes, the first visit page published on the site, following the important works carried out by the city of Nantes.
Some new objects have been added to the collectors' corner.
We also publish 48 new camellias including the 2500th camellia of the nomenclature. It is 'Lady Henrietta', a camellia Japonica from Great Britain.
This year, 137 125 visitors came to visit us (240 880 pages seen). Thank you for following us and receiving us for so long.
December 12, 2019 : New visits
May 17, 2019 : the 2 400th camellia of the nomenclature
We have also completely redesigned the site to offer you a better user experience on tablets and smartphones.
This year, 82 012 visitors came to visit us (165 959) pages viewed). Thank you for your loyalty.
January 27, 2019 : Disappearance of Otto Eisenhut
May 17, 2018 : the 2 300th camellia of the nomenclature
We have also updated the nomenclature with photos of the Nuccio's obtentions taken at the nurseries. In this case, a comment has been added in the description of the camellias concerned.
This year, we had 151 295 visitors who came to visit us (286 761 pages seen). Thanks for your fidelity.
March 3, 2018 : New visits
December 25, 2017 : 1 000 000 visitors
December 17, 2017 : New visits
We publish today pages devoted to public gardens in France and Italy:
- The Cours Cambronne à Nantes
- The Parc floral de la Beaujoire à Nantes
- Cannero Riviera (VB) and its Mostra
- Isola Madre
September 3, 2017 : New publication
We publish today 22 new camellias and three pages of private gardens in Italy:
- A garden with a View of Lake Maggiore in Oggebbio (VB)
- A Higo garden in Italy
- A garden near the Lake Maggiore, in Roncola (VB)
May 17, 2017 : the 2 100th camellia of the nomenclature
This year, we had 119,285 visitors who came to visit us (213,158 pages seen). Thanks for your fidelity.
December 17, 2016 : the 2 000th camellia of the nomenclature
May 17, 2016 : the 1 900th camellia of the nomenclature
December 17, 2015 : New publication
November 1, 2015 : New publication
- the Kumamoto Castle in Kumamoto,
- the Ishibashi Cultural Center in Kurume,
- the Suitengû Shrine in Kurume,
- the Kurume Camellia garden in Kurume,
- the World's Camellia House in Kurume,
and two private gardens, one with camellia bonsaï in Kumamoto in the other containing famous centenary subjects in Kusano-machi.
September 3, 2015 : New publication
We publish today 20 new camellias in the nomenclature and new pages describing some remarquable visits done during our trip in Japan the second half of March. You will therefore discover:
- the Kumamoto Castle in Kumamoto,
- the Ishibashi Cultural Center in Kurume,
- the Suitengû Shrine in Kurume,
- the Kurume Camellia garden in Kurume,
- the World's Camellia House in Kurume,
and two private gardens, one with camellia bonsaï in Kumamoto in the other containing famous centenary subjects in Kusano-machi.
July 11, 2015 : New publication
May 17, 2015 : is ten years old
To thank the persons who have had the kindness to receive us during our trip in March in Japan, we publish a first picture of a 'Masayoshi' camellia, 300 years old seen in a private garden in Kusano-Machi, Kurume. Pages dedicated to the beautiful gardens visited will also be published in the coming months.
We add 77 camellias in the nomenclature, including the 1700th, 'Sakuragari', a Higo camellia seen at the Kumamoto Castle. All the 77 camellias are originated from and were seen in Japan, many others will be published during the coming months.
January 1, 2015 : What is this Camellia ?
To celebrate this new year, we publish today 24 new camellias and a new simplified search function which will allow you, by answering to five questions illustrated by photos, to identify a camellia. Obvioulsy, the more answers you give, the more accurate the answer will be. We wish you a very happy new year.
December 17, 2014 : the 1 600th camellia of the nomenclature
Sept 3, 2014 : New publication
- an update on the page dedicated to the Het Leen Arboretum
- a new page dedidated to the Kew Gardens in London
- three new private gardens in the west of France, in Finistère, one near the sea, another in terrace and the last one presenting more than 600 cultivars.
July 7, 2014 : Passing of Alfred Lemaitre
June 4, 2014 : New publication
We publish today 26 new camellias in the nomenclature and three new pages dedicated to the visit of Mount Edgcumbe in Plymouth and of two new private gardens, one near Nantes, the other one near Köln.
May 17, 2014 : becomes
This year, we had 90 177 visitors who came to visit us (206 732 pages seen). Thanks for your fidelity.
December 28, 2013 : New collector's item
May 17, 2013 : Lovcam is eight years old
For this anniversary we add 10 camellias in the nomenclature.
New visits this year, the Domaine de Carheil near Nantes in France, the Japanischer Garten in Leverkusen near Kölnh in Germany and three new private gardens in the suburbs of Köln.
April 17, 2013 : 17/04/2013 : The 1 400th camellia of the nomenclature
January 19, 2013 : Evolution in the nomenclature and new visit
For this new year, we propose an evolution in the nomenclature, a new link "see similar camellias" will show, for each camellia,other camellias having the same characteristics. We also improved its design. You can also discover a new parc in Nantes, the Parc de la Gaudinière.
May 17, 2012 : Lovcam is seven years old
For this anniversary, we add 30 camellias in the nomenclature.
A lot of new visits this year, the Palmengarten in Franckfurt, the Botanischer Garten in Köln, the Chiswick House and the Isabella plantation (Richmond Park) in London and also a new private garden in London.
April 17, 2012 : the 1 300th camellia of the nomenclature
We also add 20 new camellias in the nomenclature.
Feb. 12, 2012 : Save your favorites !
Now, you can save on your workstation the list of your favorite camellias. The page Save my favorites will give you the steps to follow.
January 15, 2012 : 400 000 visitors !
To honour the 400 000th visitor, we add 20 new camellias in the nomenclature.
May 17, 2011 : Lovcam is six years old
For this anniversary, we add 25 camellias in the nomenclature.
We continue the visit of parcs around Nantes (France) with the 'cimetière paysager' and a new private garden.
April 23, 2011 : the 1 200th camellia of the nomenclature
September 3, 2010 : 300 000 visitors !
To honour the 300 000th visitor, we add 15 new camellias in the nomenclature.
May 17, 2010 : Lovcam is five years old
For this anniversary, we add 11 camellias in the nomenclature and pages introducing new destinations to visit :the Parco Botanico del Gambarogno, the Isole di Brissago (both in Switzerland) and the Parc de Procé in Nantes (France).
We also completed a major update of photos (almost 550 new) in the nomenclature.

Two new private gardens have been added to their dedicated page.
March 10, 2010 : the 1 100th camellia of the nomenclature
September 3, 2009 : Collector's corner
July 2, 2009 : the 1 000th camellia of the nomenclature
We have also modified the sports page to display all the sports and seedlings of the camellias in the nomenclature.

May 17, 2009 : Lovcam fourth anniversary
For this anniversary, we add 42 camellias in the nomenclature. The 1000th is near, we will publish it soon !
We also invite you to a visit of the beautiful city of Locarno (Switzerland) and its Camellia International Show.
April 6, 2009 : the 900th camellia of the nomenclature
We invite you to take a look at the last 100 photos, we have a lot of new ones.
March 22, 2009 : Improvement of the search funtions
The number of camellias matching your search criteria is displayed after each input.
September 3, 2008 : Addition of the origination date in the camellia nomenclature
The description of each camellia has be updated with the origination date indicated in "The international Camellia Register". The search function has also been modified.
August 9, 2008 : "The international Camellia Register" on the Web
The ICS has published a web version of the reference book on camellias "The international Camellia Register".
May 17, 2008 : Lovcam is three years old
March 26, 2008 : The 800th camellia of the nomenclature
January 4, 2008 : Zoom on photos
August 12, 2007 : The 700th camellia of the nomenclature
Lovcam was 2 years old the 17th of May 2007
Outstanding subjects
March 24, 2007 : The 600th camellia of the nomenclature
Photos historical
This new function allows you to see quickly the last 100 photos published.
The 500th camellia of the nomenclature
My favourites camellias
A new function, using a cookie, allows you to mark your favourites camellias. On each nomenclature card you will find an option "Add to my favourites" which marks the camellias as one of your prefered. The menu "See my favourites" shows them all. Just try, it is easy.
Lovcam was 1 year old the 17th of May 2006
And to celebrate this first anniversary, the 8 939 visitors and 35 376 pages seen, we have decided to implement a new presentation. We hope you will like it and remain receptive to your remarks.